Sunday, May 9, 2010

History of the Christian church: the good and the bad  posted this video which had two gentlemen arguing/presenting the two faces of the Christian church as we marched through the centuries.  The commendable and the confounding.  The holy and (yes we've had them) the profane.  The Reformation and the Crusades.

I for one welcome it because as Christians, we do need to get a sense of our own history.  My very first pastor emphasized this in church decades ago:  understang church history is getting a glimpse of the move of God as His Spirit spreads across the world.  We also have to know what we've inherited to appreciate in a deeper sense our mission, our mandate - and the crimes that have been done in God's name, so as not the next time someone criticizes us for it, we know how to answer (as opposed to just giving a dumb look or outright denial which really wouldn't be helping - pride coupled with ignorance can drive away the very people we ant to bring to Christ).

Here's the video where two guys have it out on the history of the church:

Two Histories of the Church from Granger Community on Vimeo.

Now here's my opinion, which I've also posted on Pastor Tim's blog (and which for some reason doesn't show there):

"Provocative and disquieting, to say the least. (Will also embed it in my blog.) I think that the Church has to enter a greater area of holiness if it is to shine at its brightest. The challenges are tougher today. Acts of altruism like orphanages, schools, feeding programs - other faiths have them, too. Transformed lives - other religions have similar testimonies. A peace and serenity that exude love - even New Agers can radiate that. Miracles - Eastern faiths have that in droves. There are other lights out there - and, in my humble opinion, the one differentiator that can set the Church apart and make its light blaze above the rest is a powerful mixture of humilty, holiness, and love that only Christ can give. And speaking as just one person, it does seem a tough bar to reach. It's why we need God all the more. YYMV."

I forgot to add in that post - and here's to make it clear.  When I say "powerful mixture of humility, holiness and love..." think the martyrs when they were burned, praying, on stakes in the Coliseum; Chinese Christians and Brother Andrew who were tortured relentlessly but never gave up;  Mother Theresa whose healing hand and heart brought Christ's love in India...

That kind of divine love and holiness which no human compassion or sincerity, no matter how noble, can duplicate.  It might take that kind of cleansing to make the Church shine today with the power of a supernova.  Question is:  what will it take?

Source of photo:  ChristianPhotos.Net - Free High Resolution Photos for Christian Publications

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